Terms of Service

for conducting group language courses

1. Scope and conditions for participation

The execution of the GTC in English is only for the information of the course participants. The General Terms and Conditions, which are written in German, apply.

The following General Terms and Conditions are part of the course agreement between the course participant and Deutsch Aktiv and apply to all contracts concerning the provision of language lessons to private customers. By signing the contract the student is confirming that he or she has read and accepted the terms and conditions. The student must be at least 18 years old.

2. Costs and Payment Methods

2.1 Course Fee

The course fee refers to an entire course level. The price list valid at the time of registration is valid for the amount of the costs.

2.2 Examination fee

If the customer signs up for a placement test, the customer has to pay an examination fee of 10 €. This examination fee will not be refunded in case of non-conclusion of a course contract by the customer. The examination fee can be paid in cash or by bank transfer.

2.3 Payment modalities

After registration, the customer receives a registration confirmation by e-mail. This registration confirmation is only for course level A1 a binding registration for the specific course level and the customer receives the course contract. For the further course levels, it is a binding examination confirmation and a right to participate in the internal school grading procedure (see 4.3 Placement test).

If a course agreement is concluded, the course fee must have been paid within 14 days of receipt of the invoice or no later than one day before the start of the course in accordance with the contractually agreed method of payment. Payment of the course fee can be made in cash or by bank transfer to the account of the language institute. Any bank charges incurred for a payment are to be borne by the student.

2.4 Conclusion of contract

The contract becomes valid upon receipt of the customer's confirmation of registration. The payment of the course fee by the customer is the approval of the beginning of the execution of the contract and the customer loses his right of withdrawal.

3. Termination and withdrawal

3.1 If you do not participate in a course, the following cancellation conditions apply:

Deviating conditions apply to participants who have received a certificate of attendance in advance for applying for a visa (see 3.3).

A declaration of withdrawal from the contract or the postponement of a course to a later date must always be submitted in writing. This can be done by registered letter (business address) or e-mail (info@deutsch-aktiv.schule) as well as by the personal submission of the declaration of resignation to the business address: Deutsch Aktiv Sprachinstitut, Brüderweg 2, 44135 Dortmund.

The course can be postponed twice to a later course up to 14 days before the start of the course. Any resulting differences must be paid before the start of the course. If you cancel 14 till 8 days before the beginning of the course, the course fee will be refunded minus a flat rate of 50 euros per course. If you cancel 7 till 2 days before the beginning of the course, the course fee will be refunded minus a flat rate of 100 euros per course. After expiry of the notice period of 14 days, if the course is canceled up to 2 days before the beginning of the course, half of the course fee and the administration fee will be charged to the customer. A cancellation or postponement of the course is no longer possible from 1 day before the beginning of the course and the full course fee is due and can not be refunded. Any bank charges incurred in the event of cancellation shall be borne by the student.

There is no right to reimbursement of the course fee if the participant does not start the course or if he breaks off a course that has been started. Delays or delayed start must be communicated in writing. Otherwise, the customer loses his claim to the course place.

These regulations do not apply when exercising the statutory right of revocation.

3.2 Termination

Both contracting parties have the right to terminate the concluded contract for good cause at any time. In doing so, the statutory provisions and deadlines must be observed. Ordinary termination of a course during the contractually agreed term is excluded.

3.3 Confirmation of registration for applying for a visa

The customer will receive a confirmation of participation for the application for a visa as soon as he has paid the course fee in full. It is the customer`s duty to inform and comply with the deadlines to apply for a visa in his home country. The contract can be canceled if the customer does not receive a visa and submits the refusal notice before the beginning of the course. The conditions and deadlines described under 3.1 apply here. It must be clear from the rejection letter presented that it is intended for the contracting party. If necessary, the cover letter must be attached to the message. A refund of the money or cancellation of the contract is no longer possible after the beginning of the course and / or after receipt of the visa. It is not possible to reimburse course fees for already booked follow-up courses after the visa has been received and for the duration of the visa issued on the basis of the course participation.

If there are delays or delays in issuing the visa, so that the course can not be started on the first day, this must be communicated in writing. The conditions and deadlines described under 3.1 apply here.

4. Courses, Dates and Exams

4.1 Course schedule and course planning

A regular course includes 20 lessons (45 minutes each) a week. Regular courses are held with 4 lessons each on the weekdays Monday through Friday from 8:00 to 11:00, 11:30 to 14:30 and 15:00 to 18:00. Deutsch Aktiv reserves the right to set different course times and lengths as needed.

  • A regular course takes place from 8 participants.

If a course is not installed, the student can have the paid course fee refunded.

The assignment of a teacher to a course is made by the school management. Students are not entitled to be taught by a particular teacher. The school administration reserves the right to change teachers and consolidate courses.

4. 2 Dates, school holidays, bank holidays

The course participants will be informed well in advanced of upcoming appointments and must comply with them. Public holidays within a course phase are canceled without substitution. There is no entitlement to make up for the hours left. The holiday times are also communicated to the course participants both in person and published on the homepage.

4.3 Admission test

Customers which receive a registration confirmation for the courses A2, B1, B2 and C1 are able to take part at the admission test. Paticipating in the acceptance test without registration confirmation is only possible if the customer conducts a personal registration and pays a registration fee of 10 €. If no registration confirmation is submitted, the customer cannot claim the participation of the admission test. The function oft he admission test is to validate the linguistic level of the participants and the allocation of the participants to one of the different levels of difficulty of the courses. The participants do not have the right to claim the partcipation of an particular level of difficulty.

4.4 Performance review

During the course and at the end of a course performance reviews will take place. Performance reviews during the course serve to instruct the teacher to review students' progress. If the teacher is concerned that the student has gained sufficient knowledge to enable him / her to pass the final exam, he or she may inform the school management. The school administration reserves the right to accommodate students in another course.

Final exams are used to check the knowledge and skills of a student according to their level. If the final exam is failed, the student may not attend a course of the next higher level. In particular, he / she may not take the entrance examination to gain access to a higher level. Successful final exams, and thus access to the next course level, remain valid, even if a follow-up course is not attended directly afterwards.

4.5 Attendance certificate after the course

After completing a course, all participants will receive a certificate of completion. The achievements achieved in the final test are noted on the certificates.

5. Duties of the course participant

5.1 Presence

The student agrees to attend classes regularly and to follow the instructions of the teacher. If the participant misses more than half of all offered lessons, this can lead to the exclusion of the participant in the final test. The course is therefore considered failed. The participant is not entitled to a refund of the course fee.

5.2 House rules and general duties

By signing the contract the student agrees to keep the house rules. He is informed about the house rules in detail. In addition, the participant is obliged to refrain from any actions that damage the legal interests of third parties or disrupt the proper course of the lesson. Violations may lead to the exclusion of the participant from the course and the participant is not entitled to the refund of the course fee.

5.3 Entry and residence permits

The participant must ensure that he has valid entry and residence permits for the duration of the course. The student has the duty to comply with applicable law in the Federal Republic of Germany and to abide by the law. In particular, he must take care of himself for necessary insurance and evidence.

6. Liability

The participant is also liable for damage caused by him in the premises of the language institute. Deutsch Aktiv is not liable for any damage or injury suffered by the participant, especially in extracurricular activities. In addition, Deutsch Aktiv is not liable for the cancellation of services due to force majeure, strike, negligence caused or other reasons for which Deutsch Aktiv is not responsible.

7. Copyrights

The materials used in the lesson and the student handover documents are protected by copyright. The documents in comlepte or any part of those may not be reproduced, published, provided to third parties, translated or used for any purpose other than for the purpose of informing the participants of Deutsch Aktiv without the explicit permission of Deutsch Aktiv or the teacher. In particular, it is prohibited to provide a digitized form of the copyrighted material for download by third parties.

8. Privacy

By registering, the customer agrees that his personal data may be electronically recorded, stored and processed to asure the proper performance of the contractually regulated services. He also agrees that he may also be contacted after the performance by Deutsch Aktiv. The customer has the right to claim information, correction or deletion about the stored data, that was collected about him by Deutsch Aktiv, if he demands for such in written form.

9. Severability clause

Should individual provisions of this contract be ineffective or impracticable or become ineffective or unenforceable after conclusion of the contract, the validity of the remaining parts of the contract stay unaffected. The ineffective or unenforceable provision shall be replaced by the effective and enforceable provision whose effects come closest to the economic purpose pursued by the contracting parties with the invalid or unenforceable provision. The above provisions shall apply mutatis mutandis in the event that the contract proves to be incomplete.

10. Applicable law, jurisdiction

German law is applicable to the contract between the customer and Deutsch Aktiv Sprachinstitut. Legal regulations apply. The place of jurisdiction is Dortmund.

Deutsch Sprachschule Dortmund

Nächste Kursphase: 21.03.2025 – 23.05.2025

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